
part 1: born sinner

i am a creature of habit. my series of daily routines borders on obsessive compulsive, but i crave order and practiced convention — it just feels right. i don’t even set alarm clocks anymore — my body wakes me up every single morning at 5:00 almost w…

part 1: born sinner

i am a creature of habit. my series of daily routines borders on obsessive compulsive, but i crave order and practiced convention — it just feels right. i don’t even set alarm clocks anymore — my body wakes me up every single morning at 5:00 almost w…

nothing compares to butterflies.

i have a longer bit stashed away, but i’ll wait a week or two (read: two years *foghorn*) to post. in the meantime…i never, ever believed i was good enough. that’s what everyone told me.but here’s the thing — i hate it when other people are right.so…

nothing compares to butterflies.

i have a longer bit stashed away, but i’ll wait a week or two (read: two years *foghorn*) to post. in the meantime…i never, ever believed i was good enough. that’s what everyone told me.but here’s the thing — i hate it when other people are right.so…