Chapter 13: The Hero Appears

Stop trying to make us friends, Twitter. It’s not going to happen.(As you can tell from the tense issues that arise through the course of this post, I started it immediately after the season ended and just couldn’t bring myself to look at it for a real…

Chapter 13: The Hero Appears

Stop trying to make us friends, Twitter. It’s not going to happen.(As you can tell from the tense issues that arise through the course of this post, I started it immediately after the season ended and just couldn’t bring myself to look at it for a real…

Your Heart is an Empty Room

This is a post I’ve been working on for a while (since Thanksgiving). It seemed appropriate to finally finish it and publish it.—–I don’t know who — if anyone — reads this anymore. That said, I know that this is late, but it happens (as you know)….

Ongoing Edit

After a few months of observations, I am starting:Things White People in Madison* LikeWearing huge aviator sunglasses when it’s wild cloudy out.(White girls) Wearing neck scarves, even/especially in 90+ weather.(White girls) Wearing fleeces and scarves…

Thirsty On The Grind

a. Is there a way I can replace all the actual blood coursing through my veins with Red Bull? Like, is this a medical procedure yet? Is it disgusting that I have completely forgotten how Red Bull burned a hole in my stomach junior year of college and n…